Secretarial Services
Our Company Secretarial Services are geared towards ensuring that the affairs of a Company are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Companies & Allied Matters Act (the Act), the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association and generally in accordance with local and international laws and the company’s industry’s best practices.
We offer the following secretarial services:
- Incorporation of new companies, registration of business names and trustees for not-for profit organisations
- Drafting Memorandum and Articles of Association for business promoter’s adoption during incorporation of companies
- Performing duties of local/nominee Directors and providing registered offices for incorporation purposes
- Incorporation and registration of company with Foreign Investment through the available One Stop Investment Centre (OSIC) with the Nigeria Investment Promotion Council (NIPC)
- Post Incorporation services, like, changes in incorporation records of the company/business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), like form CAC 7, form CAC 2, alteration to Memorandum and Article of Association, authorised share capital increase, changes in company’s name and the likes
- Preparing formal minutes to record the decisions and resolutions taken by Directors and Shareholders on statutory matters
- Safe Custody and updating statutory books such as the Register of Members, Register of Directors, Register of Directors’ interest in shares, Register of Charges, Minutes books of proceedings of the board and general meetings, etc
- Filing appropriate returns with CAC, FIRS and other regulatory authorities on behalf of clients in order to comply with the relevant provisions of the Company And Allied Matters Act 1990 as amended
- Intermediation support services for registration and obtaining approval from relevant government agencies on special corporate matters, like, expatriate quota, business permit, approved user scheme, import permit licence, import duty waiver, pioneer status, approvals and licences from government MDAs, DPR registration, registration of contractors with Government Tenders Board, remittance of dividends and repatriation of capital overseas etc.